Thursday, June 30, 2011

zombie tattoos

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  • ameryki
    03-17 03:00 PM
    PD Nov 2005 filed in Aug 2007

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  • nixstor
    07-05 01:05 PM
    Who ever started this website should know that they are limited by the contributions from IV community. And we can only go so far in getting those contributions.

    Instead of making this a paid site, why don't you create incentives to be 'contributing member'

    > Publish a list of paid members and highlight their contribution and even sort them by total contribution. And mention 'anonymous' for those who don't want to be identified.

    > Sell T-shirt with IV logo. And mention that 50% of the cost of T-shirt goes to IV fund. This works in two-ways, we get money and we get publicity.

    > I don't prefer this but - create contributing-members only email-distro, or thread or section in the website.


    Limited contributions is not equal to no contributions. Limited contributions from every one weill make us stronger.
    Its not about getting extra privileges for paid members. No one (atleast me) wants a red carpet treatment her for paying 20USD. Its about fighting for a cause together. I dont think I need to underscore how Barrack Obama raised 32.5 mil USD. Most of us want to be future Americans right, if not all. I guess you should take a moment to consider the importance of contributions in the US of A

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  • rajuram
    11-10 10:34 PM
    We have no more excuses now.

    1. Elections are over. So all arguments like "wait till the elections are over" do not apply.

    2. We have a pro immigration president now.

    3. Democrats are incharge of the house and the senate.

    This is a good time to act. What is IV waiting for...

    Ofcourse economy will grab the headlines, but it does not mean nothing else can be done. Do something before democrats start worrying about 2010 elections. Time to highlight that immigrants can help by buying houses (NPR had devoted some time to it recently, so they are aware, we just need to give it more publicity)

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  • ajaykk
    07-11 09:35 PM
    My PD is 06/27/06..should I feel happy or fingers x'd or just lucky....


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  • eb3retro
    08-17 12:14 PM
    Chill guys just kidding no point getting worked up about all this.I know it's causing a lot of angst.The best course of action is to get back to our lives and let the chips fall as they may.

    you write some ridiculous stuff in your first post and you want us to chill out. Get a sense of this board and its professional members, before you post any nonsense like that.

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  • sc09876
    08-10 02:42 PM
    The INA language says that until EB2 is not current, there will be no spillover to EB3. Agreed. But I would contend that this statement is on a year to year basis. That is, if in the year 2002 (for example) all EB2 has been satisfied, then the spillovers should go to year 2002 EB3.

    Is this something IV can point out and fight for? Can EB3 members put their money and efforts in this direction? Let me know if this sounds worthwhile

    Let me just say I am not here to start a EB2 vs EB3 fight. I think the beef is that EB3 is still in 2002 while EB2 is now peeking into 2007.

    However, IMHO, if you extend that logic, since EB3 has much more filings than EB2, EB2 wait time would be unrealistically high. Just my opinion that it defeats the purpose of classification, since in the end, it will be PD based and not classification based.

    Instead the focus should be in "automatic" progression to higher classification if the PD has certain # of years. For example: If the job requirement had 3 years at the time of labor and 3 more years have passes since, 140 should automatically be allowed to re-classify to EB2 (filed or yet to file)

    This way, working for the same employer and adding experience will be an advantage and would not need to change jobs just to re-classify or port.


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  • go_gc_way
    12-28 11:50 PM
    Anybody tried timesof India?

    I have posted there a classified in timesofindia. How to make it stand out in thousands of classifieds?

    FOLKS, PLEASE EACH POST A CLASSIFIED IN A WEB SITE ... AS Pappu has urged every one, this will help 'all of us' have more members and ease our efforts. Today we are crawling to gather the required funds, only if we had many more members , it will solve all problems .. and posting free classifieds is penny less.

    perm2gc , that's right, all IV members need send a new year gift to IV core team by posting a classified in a web site that they know regionally or any other web sites that are useful to get more members .. I will change the the name of the thread as such.

    Folks please participate more actively OR come up with new ideas that can help 'us'.

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  • 485Mbe4001
    02-20 03:20 PM
    looks like there no hope for EB3 India to move further :(


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  • Legal
    07-04 09:17 PM
    Another myth: USCIS processed 60,000 485 in June. It is wrong. They processed 60,000 485 over the period of 6 months to 5 years. And they just approved in June, based on earlier processing.

    In their "normal" pace they would be giving finishing touches and slowly releasing them over the course of next 12 months! Do you agree?

    But they worked overnight and weekend to finish up and deny benefits to the July filers? Therein lies the problem. what do you think?

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  • pappu
    07-05 11:22 AM
    Core is putting their time and mmoney and doing this all for everybody

    Pray please tell me what the core did for people stuck in BEC's.
    Even these people contributed and once the dates were made current everybody and I'm sorry to say including the core forgot about them.

    I know I'll be bashed for wrting this and pls dont get offended but I just had to ask.


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  • Evil Zombie tattoos

  • abhishek101
    12-27 12:14 PM
    Just to clarify on all the confusion:

    If you are legally here i.e. on H1B yu can have any account and any mortgage. I can pretty much vouch for it because I am one of the persons in the bank incharge of enforcing the credit laws. The only requirement while giving a mortgage is what kind of credit scores and history you have. BOA is quite conservative in giving out loans while someother smaller institutions are not so conservative and hence the rejection from one and acceptance by the other.

    For giving mortgage to illegals I do not know any reputable institution doing so. Yes there is always the grapevine.

    I recently travelled to Delhi from SF using British Air in Dec. I chaged from Terminal 1 to terminal 4 while going and reverse while coming. Nobody asked for any visa, as far as I know it is not required. It was not required before then the requirement came in and now it is no longer there.

    But I do have a valid visa on my passport.

    About Hongkong it takes approximately 5 minutes to get a 15 day visa and the process is very smooth.

    Singapore does not require any visa.

    No visa for Germany, Middleeast and most of the East Asian stops.

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  • pappu
    01-18 01:06 PM
    we now have 110 members signed up for monthly contributions. Thanks to all those that signed up.


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  • arnab221
    04-22 01:22 PM
    Decipher and GSC999 have totally contradictory opinions . Not sure whom to believe here .:D . There seems to have been 2 sets of opinons here of the members who attended the rally.

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  • dummgelauft
    08-21 12:51 PM
    I did not marry the man I was engaged to. I came here initially for ONE month and was approved at the airport customs terminal to stay that long. When I got here, it was for a visit with my fiance only. Unfortunately, things did not work out and we broke it off. Thank God! However, I was staying with his uncle and aunt, and they had a disabled man in the house. HE turned out to be my sponsor when they asked me to care for him while they were doing long haul trucking. I agreed to do this and we immediately contacted USCIS to get instructions on what needed to be filed first. With that information in hand, we filed everything they requested. All the stuff on the RFE I received has never been mentioned before now and if it had, it would have been filed along with the rest. There are tons of applications, how is one supposed to know what to file and when if there are no specific instructions? I have gone through all the copies we have of all the required applications and I still do not see anything where all these other forms were to be filed along with the I-485.
    Nothing was done illegally. He filed the application on my behalf, signed, sealed and delivered it himself. I did not do this on my own, I just signed whatever I was required to sign, he did the rest.
    If all of this was illegal, then why was I not informed of this nearly 6 years ago when we filed the first application? Seems a bit odd that if I was illegal and they know where I am and who I live with that they wouldn't be quick to throw me out, but they have not done so.
    My former fiance has nothing to do with this, I never intended to stay here when I first came, it was merely a visit but circumstances were such that I was needed at a moment's notice so we filed the necessary paperwork as quickly as possible and thought we were doing the right thing. No one has ever said otherwise until now and I think that is rather unfair to spring it all on me at this point and expect me to get it all done within 30 days. I know I am not the only applicant out there and I realize there is a huge backlog of other applications, I'm not that stupid to think that they will make me a priority, but one measly letter informing me that I was here illegally sometime over a 6 year period is not asking to much is it? Why would they send me all the other Notices of Action if I was here illegally and they knew it?
    Something is terribly screwed up and I guess I have no choice but to find an attorney who can deal with this mess.

    Okay, It is still a bit fuzzy, but lot clearer than your initial post. Almost all of us here on this forum are professionally qualified Employment Based applicants, with fairly straightforward, albeit extremently slow moving cases. Nearly all of us have been sponsored by our employers and we make sure that we are legal, in this country, every day of the year.
    Now, coming to your case.
    I am certain this "disabled man" you are caring for, had all good intentions, but he screwed up royally. You can not just "apply for a I-485". There has to be a basis from one of the following
    (1) Family based
    (2) Employment based
    (3) Humanitarian / Refugee
    (4) Diversity Based
    It is still not clear, what CATEGORY he applied for you under.
    (a) Can not be family based (you are not his spouse, child, sibling etc)
    (b) You CERTAINLY DO NOT qualify under Employment based application.
    (c) You absolutey CAN NOT apply under Refugee or Diversity (Canadians are shut out of diversity visa quota)
    So, it is now time to stop pretending that you "were needed here". Nobody is indispensible.
    Get your self back in to Cananda and work towards building your life back up.
    Bon fin semaine!!


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  • newuser
    04-20 10:49 PM
    Please do attend this tomorrow and make it a successfull event.

    All the best .

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  • kanaihya
    09-26 12:14 PM
    I went throgh the comments, it looks like americans don't want foreign IT profesionals here ..they all are opposing ...God knows who will help them in executing those IT projects, if all we are gone..

    here we are busy trashing each other, while in the cnn artile, everyone has joined together and is bashing us...

    I have not seen a single person say positive things about the h1-b program. Instead of infighting here, can we all go there and try to justify the need for skilled labor? Everyone seems to say..they should hire from US...but they forget that there is noone in US to hire. This one sided bashing by anti-immigrants/ racists will only damage our position.


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  • rockstart
    03-10 01:54 PM
    I have posted a question on page 3 of this thread on same / similar can some one answer it? :(

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  • thirdworldman
    03-09 10:55 PM
    Nice renders Eilsoe and Grinch--both very dramatic. Here's mine--it feels unfinished but this is all I had time for.

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  • rc0878
    03-19 03:24 PM
    Let's hope the following happens....coz EB3 seekers like me are also waiting for a long time.

    May be I am not aware, say the dates move to 2005, then whoever has a PD till 2005 and has a pending 485, is bound to get GC approved, or incase the dates move back, then he/she is stuck again?


    Not only EB2, EB3 India also will move to April 2005, atleast for couple of months before this FY ends, to use the 140K numbers.

    04-04 09:11 AM
    I hope not. If they ban bodyshops the cap will never run out.
    And people in Real companies will be able to get the visas.

    Actually it is difficult to ascertain to a level to determine if the h1b is filed by a body shop because right from Accenture, PWC to the smaller Cayotes all are offshoring and outsourcing, every company has its own product and inhouse development.

    Most of American companies want a pool of talent available at time of need to choose from and these companies always maintain the supply at a premium.

    A lot of people come through bodyshops and later move on to permanant jobs.

    Something the differentiates research jobs, non IT jobs etc... and protect their interests and have some quota for tthem will be beneficial.

    08-11 01:32 PM
    Please count me also for contribution for making EB3 life easy and to reassure a HOPE of reaching end of tunnel

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