Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • ItalySeAaTapki
    03-07 01:12 PM
    Attorneys make their living by scaring people. They may not always be sharper than an IT professional like you.

    Rajiv had in one call said"I do not know why we are charging as much for such a simple thing. Unless there are complications, you can do it yourself"

    Unless there are complications, look for good templates on forums. You can as well spend that money on better things.

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  • GCHope2011
    07-02 01:18 AM
    To senators..

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  • GCOP
    10-15 01:04 PM
    Flowers can work this time also. Any/All suggestions, which help to pass the visa recapture bill are most welcome. I think, right time to start any campaign would be after election. In the meantime, we can utilize this time to come up with firm action plan. IV core team is requested to decide the course of action and declare the action plan.


    I think this is a time to start another flower campaign to USCIS. It is ridiculuous to have 7 years of retrogression on EB3 India, same is true to good extend for EB2 India also.

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  • indio0617
    02-15 01:06 PM

    Just so that you know, I am caught in the name check too. This is a bigger blackhole than even labor processing. Becos atleast labor processing your Immigration Attorneys can write to BECs (You may or may not get a reply, that is a different issue, but atleast it is allowed). In case of FBI name check, you just cant do much. It is a much dreaded process in the whole game and needs to get enough focus. Eventually, it is going to be everybodys problem.


    You are probably aware of these and have already tried it.

    1. Heard the attorney / employer can file for some extra paperwork to expedite name check. I am not sure what it is... Have you checked into it.

    2. Request your Senator / Congress staff to look ibto your case. I heard that often hastens the process. Some of my friends have had success with that approach.

    FYI: My employer (Healthcare) has had phenomenal success with I-485 approvals. Average processing time has been 6 months.


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  • varshadas
    02-07 09:35 PM
    No one has volunteered so far for the third spot.

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  • dressking
    09-28 03:39 PM
    Sorry about the generalization. I was refering to Senthil1 kind of folks, not folks like you. Thanks for all the support. My friend got a green card as recently as a month back, he struggled for a long time before he got one, I asked him if he wants to come for the rally and he told me "MRRRRRRRR I GOT MY GREEN CARD, YOU ARE ASKING THE WRONG PERSON FOR THE RALLY" and the same person told me "SOMETHING MUST HAPPEN TO THESE ROTTEN CONSULTING COMPANIES, THEY ARE RUINING THE SYSTEM" he got his GC from a small consulting company and after getting his GC he says these companies must not exist - he wants to shut thee door behind him

    Those Asian Americans who are against new Asian immigrants, which include some of my relatives, sadly to tell you, are just helping White Americans in this fight. It is their wish and their passion. But if White Americans don't want it, they will have no chance of getting their voices heard. Not all White Americans are against immigration. But there is a big percentage of White Americans who are either fiercely against it or do not want it. I can hardly find any White American who says he or she wants more immigrants. And a small percentage of White Americans are fiercely against immigration. They would curse at anyone who they think is a new immigrant at any opportunity they have.


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  • chanduv23
    02-13 10:55 PM
    Dear friends,

    I am appalled and disgusted by the mudslinging going on between ROW and India-born applicants. If any of you remember your history lessons from high school, the English used this exact policy of "Divide and Rule" to keep control over their colonies.

    For example, in India, they would go into Moslem dominated cities, discriminate against them for jobs, and put Hindus in more prestigious positions, and vice-versa. They did this after the first war for independence in 1857 where Hindus, Moslems, rich and poor fought to overthrow the British occupation.

    The very same policy is used by the U.S. government to control their population:

    1) Per country quotas in EB immigration cause infighting

    2) Infighting causes immigrant activists like IV to lose focus and weaken the agenda

    3) Infighting results in racism between ROW, India, and China, which causes Americans to watch the circus, shake their heads and lobby for more immigration control

    4) Poor regulation in the H1B program cause Americans to lose their jobs and blame the Indians and Chinese

    ...and the elite sit back, sip their martinis, and watch the fun.

    So you have two choices before you:
    1) Keep fighting, achieve none of the 3 main IV objectives, and continue your bonded slavery or
    2) Unite as one to achieve all 3 objectives, and throw off your shackles

    Remember, "Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere" - Martin Luther King

    I am a strong advocate of Unity and I appreciate your post. Infighting exists everywhere, it is not created but exists in us and our thought process. Let us not say that USCIS or US govt creates the "infighting" by divide and rule. We fight among ourselves because we are unorganized and do not have a platform. IV has provided one of the biggest platforms that caters to all highly skilled immigrants which covers a broad range of issues and is a wonderful platform for all of us to unite.

    United we stand, divided we fall - if people find reasons not to be united, then they can expect Lou Dobbs accusing them even after they become US citizens

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  • WillIBLucky
    12-29 08:45 AM
    good question - I do not visit the website often. I remembered the website out of the blue only yesterday. After about 1 1/2 year I visited that website yesterday. So it was out of my mind.
    Also, I am cannot use internet at work that often and going home I have other stuff to take care, dont get enough time to come to IV as well. I am glad you could do what I should have done long before :).
    WillIBLucky, thank you. I have posted the classified. Just curious, why did not you post it.... I am thinking how can this be made easier to post on web sites, that's all.


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  • glus
    01-16 07:18 AM
    Signed up for $20 per month. That's all I can do now. Hope that it will help.

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  • GooblyWoobly
    01-18 12:53 AM
    xyzgc. I agree with your risk assessment personally. However, the risk aversion threshold is an individual thing. Some people never drive on the fast lane, and some people jump off a cliff tied to a rope. So, IMHO, it's unfair to say something is stupid and foolish. It's just that somebody might just like to live a little more dangerously than you are (and reap more benefits if things go well).

    IMHO, what is stupid is doing something and not knowing/understanding the risk. :rolleyes:


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  • chanduv23
    09-12 11:08 AM _businessweek+exclusives

    Everyone must come to the rally

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  • GCard_Dream
    01-16 12:54 PM
    Just signed up for $20 recurring payments through Paypal. Subscription#S-91A48116HP955223R

    Let's make this a 100 page thread with messages filled with new contributions.


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  • nomi
    12-12 04:19 PM
    USCIS is not a legislative body, they cannot pass a law. The Congress does. In order to change any existing laws Congress has to pass it and USCIS just implements it. So I do not think meeting USCIS will help. BTW what is DOS ?

    I know USCIS is not legislative body and they can`t pass law either. But we need to know what USCIS can do for us to give us temp. relief. We need to know what are under their control. They do lot of rules with out going into Congress. So its nothing to lose to ask them what they can do for us without any bill. We will not lose if they say "They can`t do anything" but this will give us some hope that we did our best and also contact to USCIS too.

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  • gsc999
    04-20 02:00 PM
    Sure. Thanks for letting us know.

    I will also post this message at our Northern California Yahoo group.


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  • vivid_bharti
    05-07 12:13 AM
    cool down...I did pay for that effort, I am not a member of donor forum though..If you had contributed for the FOIA effort you would have known the actions IV has taken in donor forum. Its a shame that people like you dont contribute and have audacity to come back and demand answers.

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  • singhsa3
    08-13 03:57 PM
    I think thats AC21 recapture thing...
    From sept visa bulletin section E.

    We have 22704 FB visa overflow to EB for year 2008.


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  • svr_76
    02-19 10:59 PM
    I'm one of those who say with pride that I can create jobs and buy houses. Then why will not congress or policy makers not touch this. As some here said it depends upon what we think about ourselves. I know many people who like to work under someone even after 10-15 years, my brother is like that, and I know many more like me who want to start companies, employ many people, and do bigger things. Both may be right in their own ways, but if you project yourself like me, then the doors will open.. Show enterprise..

    Definitely enterprising candidates do have the perfect carved out visa category for this purpose EB5. Show them a plan to create jobs and get bank to approve of your plan as being profitable and feasible, to extend you a line of credit and you'll get ur GC in 1 year.

    Its pure politics here..the current bill is an attempt to garner more ethnic votes...e.g.
    UPA never initiates action to press hard for deportation of bangla immigrats (undocumented aliens) in India because those aliens are from a particular community and UPA wants to capitalize on the valid votes that Indian citizen from the same community provide them.

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  • leoindiano
    03-17 10:19 AM
    EB2 India PD came only up till April 2004 before it retrogressed. There is no way anybody whose PD is between April to Sept 2004 could have applied before July 2007. They might have applied only in July 2007 when USCIS made EB2 PD current by mistake.

    Before retrogression started in "October 2005 Bulletin, Nov 2005 effective", there are quite a few people who applied for I-485 and had PD upto sept 2004. Those cases are approved. I know couple of cases myself.

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  • logiclife
    12-26 03:46 PM
    I see an increasing incidence of activities/offers/utilities with restrictions, citizen/green card status only, here are some examples, perhaps others can share experiences too:

    1. I tried to travel to Mexico. if you do not have a GC, here is what you have to do (for many not all nationals, India is on the list):
    appear in a consulate (350 miles for me) personally, with all family members present, the consulate will send a request for permission to proccess to Mexico City. then cool your heels at least 6 weeks. Once permission is obtained the entire family reappers in person to apply for the visa.
    I chose not to travel.

    2. Amex is advertising a glopal trip protection insurance, with the caveat that you may only apply if citizen or GC.

    3. I've been a Citibank customer for a decade, and have considerable funds with them, one click of a button opens me a new e-account- except that the fine print says you have to be Citizen/GC to do it.

    4. A travel package to Europe offers an incentive- 1 euro for 1 dollar at the guessed it! only citizens and GC....

    5. i heard someone complain about Discover earlier....they send preapproved offers then reject you if you tell them you are not Citizen/GC. I've had one for years, they happened to send me an approved offer without the question....the whole thing is tragicomic :-)

    6. If your visa is expired as mine is (btw a feb date has never opened up anywhere in India to date...i'm sick and tired and frustrated....getting an appt is a major hassle) the you better choose your airline carefully, the French embassy demands personal appearance (350 miles) for the 10 min it takes to issue a visa- which then lets me walk from one gate to another at De Gaulle....

    I'm not dying to be a permanent resident. I don't consider it my right. I have not taken anyone's job...I was recruited after a long search failed. Since I have joined our practice has grown many fold, my revenue itself has doubled and we have recruited more providers - Americans, incidentally.
    But i would love to have a green card as long as i'm here, life would just be easier...

    I dont think you need a transit visa for Charles De Gaulle airport anymore. They used to have that if you dont have a valid visa you were going to use for return trip. I think that's gone. It caused Air France to lose a lot of business and they probably got that removed by French Govt.

    About AMEX, Discover, Citi issues, I guess the business is theirs to lose. There will always be competition to pick up that demand. If they are going to be picky, they are going to lose a half a million potential customers to someone else. They are not the only ones in creditcard, banking business.

    12-23 09:49 PM
    Hello everyone...

    IV is doing a great job.....I suggest to send email to the individuals private email about these conference calls and meeting etc in atleast 2-3 in advance, ....We get so busy that we may not be able to check IV daily, but we do check our inbox...Planning to go to the CT meeting tomorrow....Anyone from plainsboro send me a PM

    Plainsboro, NJ

    03-18 05:05 PM
    Its sad ROW EB3 from 06 is worried that EB2 India 03 are getting their GC's.And some are plannin to sue??????

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