Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • Imigrait
    07-11 05:28 PM
    Can you provide the source of this info? a link or something?

    Here's your link
    Look at Section E. I have also pasted the text below.


    There have been questions raised regarding the way numbers have been provided to the China and India in the Employment Second preference categories beginning in April. Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act states that if total demand for visas in an Employment preference category is insufficient to use all available visa numbers in that category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limit. (For example: If the second preference annual limit were 40,000, number use by �All Other Countries� were estimated to be only 25,000, and the China/India combined number use based on their per-country limits were 6,000, then there would be 9,000 numbers unused. Those 9,000 numbers could then be made available to China and India applicants without regard to their per-country limits.)

    Based on the informaiton available, it was been determined that the demand from �All Other Countries� for Second preference numbers, plus the amount of numbers available under China and India Second preference per-country limit, would be insufficient to utilize all available numbers under the annual limit for this category. Therefore, pursuant to Section 202(a)(5) of the Act, the unused numbers have been made available to China and India Second preference applicants. Since Section 203(e)(1) of the Act requires that such unused numbers be made available strictly in priority date order, the China and India applicants have been subject to the identical cut-off date. As there are more Employment Second preference applicants from India and the Indian applicants may have earlier priority dates, it is likely that Indian applicants will receive a larger portion of the available numbers than Chinese applicants.

    It should be noted that the Employment Second preference category is "Current" for all countries except China and India. If at any point it appears that demand from �All Other Countries� would utilize all available numbers, then an adjustment would be made to the China/India cut-off date. Therefore, providing the unused numbers to China and India in no way disadvantages applicants from any other country, and helps to insure that the worldwide annual limit can be reached.

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  • sandiboy
    08-15 02:29 PM
    Would rather be interested to see the Processing times update for this month

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  • ak27
    02-08 08:00 PM
    I can try to make it but I am not from his district..

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  • skillet
    06-11 11:37 AM
    Just sent to VA senators


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  • tejonidhi
    09-10 01:31 PM
    I am wondering when will they discuss about Humans ?:mad:

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  • webm
    12-15 11:48 AM
    Well said's true..


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  • NKR
    03-09 12:34 PM
    another fr***ing disappointing bulletin..

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  • actaccord
    02-23 03:01 PM
    to spread the words to all IV members ? Please send the same message you have posted in local chapters to all IV members. We will get additional hands and minds to make this event successful.

    Poster to spread the word.. (


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  • paskal
    01-18 09:20 PM

    i'm only one step better- for now
    eb2- pd expected 1q 2007- but india

    btw, a fellow member from GA has made a power point slide with the condensed facts and statistics, it's posted on the iv-mn-mw web site
    we discussed this on the teleconference and the idea came up that we needed something like this for people without perspective
    we are hoping to refine this already excellent ppt into a valuable tool for everyone's use

    please do take a look...

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  • GCHope2011
    07-02 01:18 AM
    To senators..


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  • WaldenPond
    02-19 07:45 AM
    Hello retrohatao,

    Thanks for coming forward to take the responsibility. I have sent you a private message. I will wait for your response.

    You have described the problem very well. I have tried every way to get name check done. I have gone for FP four times (three times after 15 months expiration as they screwed up twice) but still no end in sight. For FP, each time I have to travel to a city that is couple of hours away. Both, my spouse and I have to take a day off from work. So it usually costs us couple of hundred dollars just to get each FP done. We have contacted both the Senators of the state and my congressman. We have made some good contacts with the staff of the congressman and this is helping with this effort. They have all communicated that it is in name check and they cannot do anything. We have tried every suggestion that is posted on the web but nothing seem to work. So we completely understand and go through the same frustration and relate to everything that you and willgetgc2005 wam4wam & stirGC maybe going through.

    Hello willgetgc2005 wam4wam & stirGC,

    I would request you to please help retrohatao and all of us to make this effort a success. It would be great if you could please come forward and join this effort actively. It would be great if you could encourage others to join. Please tell others that simply reading/posting messages and not actively participating is like watching a game from the sidelines and still expect to win without even playing. Please tell others that no one can win by watching from the sidelines. Together we can make it happen. I will eagerly look forward to hearing from you.


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  • snthampi
    06-11 12:32 PM
    Just sent email to senators.


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  • skd
    09-18 01:47 PM
    This is MUCH worse than Dot-Com bubble, As Dot-Com bubble was just for IT industry, this financial sector, Housing Sector, Insurence Sector. And obviously IT as IT is service industry for all these.
    So we don't know what will happen.

    It took 3-4 years to recover from dot com this is the blast of financial industry so lets see how long it will take to recover....

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  • eilsoe
    03-07 05:32 PM
    well I've realized now that I can't get this thing done in time, so here's my not-so-final-but-as-final-as-it-gets images... :)

    (as seen through a surv. camera)

    (as rendered through Max)

    I really wanted to add more to 'em... :(

    oh, well, consider them my finals :)



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  • Jaime
    09-10 03:53 PM
    By the way, here's a funny (and sad but true) anecdote. I had already been on H1-B status with my current employer for over a year when I engaged HR to start my green card/adjustment of status process. The answer I got from the HR person was "Oh, sorry, but we don't sponsor"...I was frozen! Did not know whether to laugh or cry out loud! "But dear, you already have sponsored me!" I told the poor lady.....


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  • raysaikat
    07-28 09:01 AM
    Hi all,

    I am not sure whether I should add this over here or not but I could not resist and I don't know any other way.

    I went to a wine shop and was shocked to see cartoon of Ganesha used on the bottle of India Pale Beer. I am not a religious person but this thing made me nervous. Please let me know how this can be protested.


    Would you be offended if the image of Ganesh is used on a sack of rice or sugar or a bottle of cooking oil? If not, then what's the problem in using it on an alcoholic beverage bottle?


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  • thomascannivady
    07-16 05:54 PM
    (2) H-1B salaries are tax-exempt - no FICA, no federal or state income taxes. They can live at the same level as tax-paying Americans at a lower cost. Therefore, Congress allows foreigners to "low-ball" American workers.

    This is utter nonsense!!!

    Core team - > Please work on getting some sort of easy webfax put up so that we may effectively address such utter nonsense!! The link to the fax should be prominently displayed on the main page of IV!!!

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  • gautamagg
    04-23 04:46 PM
    I came with 4 other people and NONE are IV members and nor did we approach any - infact the white shirt dude was surprised to know we were not part of IV and offended. As I said passive movements dont make a difference.

    technically you are an IV member because you have an ID, that you created on your own. You probably went to the meeting with the IV crowd then branched out..good for you. Wonder why the Stanfords and Harvards are dying to admit you:D
    Obviously you seem to be in a very unique situation, and you are taking steps to solve your issues in your own way, nothing wrong with that. good luck, to each his own.

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  • gsc999
    04-23 02:55 PM
    Thank you Nor Cal members, on behalf of 1 member who was unable to attend. I encourage those not already part of the Nor Cal Yahoo group to join it.

    There are roughly 10 members trying very hard to boost activity without our section, and it encourages me that there were around 50 or so representatives at the meeting.

    Stay active, join your chapter!
    Northern California members we need volunteers for an event on Wednesday (04/25) in Campbell @ 1:00 p.m. for an hour. This is much more interactive event. No undocumented immigration issues just EB related issues. Please join the yahoo group and get involved.

    Lets keep the momentum going.

    11-13 12:27 PM
    The 1st quarter ends Dec 31. So technically, USCIS has until that to allocate the total of 35,000 visas. Now, let's assume they have only approved 5000 visas across all categories thus far, then that doesn't mean they can go and allocate the remaining 30,000 in December to the retrogressed countries.

    I think the way the spillover works (except for the last month of last quarter) is at the end of the quarter (technically Jan bulletin is published around Dec 15) based on the demand for the last 2 weeks for that quarter, USCIS will spillover visas. So I think we should wait until the Jan bulletin that comes out in December before we push for a lawsuit. If you want to send letters to people, then so be it, but I am pretty sure USCIS is well within its operating procedure wrt spillover. If spillover doesn't happen in the Jan bulletin, then we have ground for a strong case.

    I guess we will be fine if they are not able to complete the spillover within the calandar quarter and issue them the month after (except when it is end of fiscal year). I hope you are right that the spillover happens in January for the 1st quarter.

    But look at previous visa bulletins. Do you see major movements 4 times a year. Its always the end of the year. So we are asking for clarification on following the law which seems to say that spillover need to happen during the remainder of the calander quarter.

    (A) EMPLOYMENT-BASED IMMIGRANTS NOT SUBJECT TO PER COUNTRY LIMITATION IF ADDITIONAL VISAS AVAILABLE- If the total number of visas available under paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of section 203(b) for a calendar quarter exceeds the number of qualified immigrants who may otherwise be issued such visas, the visas made available under that paragraph shall be issued without regard to the numerical limitation under paragraph (2) of this subsection during the remainder of the calendar quarter.

    04-09 10:20 PM
    This is an "Ouch..." visa bulletin.

    Dont want to be passimistic or discourage anyone; I have always been optimistic and will remain so...

    However, this suggests that there will not be any fall down (previously called spillover) from EB4 and may not even be much from EB5 (Last year this was the major factor that gave 10k additional numbers to EB2 India). Lookes like people are finding alternate ways (who can) by these routes.

    EB1 used up all its numbers last year and we dont know what will happen this year.

    EB2 ROW usage looks low, but then again no movement in EB2 India...

    Patience and persistence....

    Good Luck to all of us.

    Does anyone have numbers for spillover last year category wise? I mean, last year how many EB4, EB5 and EB1 left out visas got spilled over to EB2? Thanks...

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