Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • telekinesis
    10-20 07:52 AM
    Get the educational version! Much cheaper and is fully functional!

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  • sys_manus
    01-28 09:46 AM
    I can understand the amount of anxiety and stress you must be undergoing... Especially with EB3 future in near term looking bleak. I sometimes feel its is kind of very unfair for people in EB3 boat. Try EB3 -> EB2

    As they taught in survival school.. improvise.. improvise with what ever you have. Instead of looking at VB and feeling dismayed start looking around you.. tools you have the means you have.

    When it happens it happens... do whatever you can do and leave the rest to take its course. Don't worry about things you don't have control on.

    Life goes on...

    PS: Ignore any smartA replies... they just aggravate you sense of feeling bad.

    I am an optimist. A hopeful person. I like to and want to see the positive side of things. However, the current political climate and economic state of the nation makes me skeptical.

    Much has been said and (not) done so far about immigration reform. The murphy's law half of my brain is starting to get queasy. I've been in this mess for 6 years now and dread the doomsday scenario that immigration reform doesn't go through this year. If it does not, I think we're all completely effed up for the next 3-4 years, at least until after the next elections. I hope to be wrong on this, by a long shot.

    My question to some of you is - what will you do if skilled reform doesn't happen this year?

    My career has been stagnating, rotting away almost. I've been working on a startup idea in my spare time for a while now. Of course, these sort of ventures need time and full-time effort to take-off. I have often entertained the thought of leaving my job, returning back to India, or finding some way, by hook or crook, of doing my own thing, and reviving my career. Having lived here, first as a grad student, and now as a wage slave, for the past 9 years, returning is not an easy option. If reform does not happen, I don't see anything but darkness for a pretty long time.

    What will you do?

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  • Re: New Girls Aloud Wallpapers

  • Better_Days
    06-10 06:10 PM
    www.immigration-law is reporting that PP for I-140 will be re-instated when approval is needed for H1 extension and less than 60 days are left 'till H1 expiration.

    A small step in the right direction.

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  • a Girls Aloud Glee episode

  • aristotle
    08-08 01:13 PM
    Just had an infopass appointment.

    Me: Can you tell us the status of our 485s?
    I/O: Name checks are pending for both
    Me: Do you know when they were started?
    I/O: At the time your application was submitted (duh!)
    Me: Would our applications still be processed?
    I/O: Yes, they are at TSC(duh!) and they are aware of the 6 month rule
    Me: Are they assigned to an officer?
    I/O: Right now they are with the officer"s" at Texas, as recently as July 31st, not too long ago.
    Me: When do our fingerprints expire?
    I/O: blank

    I had enough by then.. dont think anything will happen to our apps this month. My wife will get a RFE, because of incomplete medicals (Xray), I was atleast hoping to get that RFE this month.


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  • number30
    03-28 12:29 AM
    I was on bench for 4 months in 2001. I have 2 times H1 transfer after that and visited India couple of times. I have regular pay stubs from 2002 onwards.

    Can this create an issue while IO is working on my 485 application?

    They usually check tax returns last three years. Some time go up to five year. 2001 just forget it.

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  • indyanguy
    04-19 11:27 PM


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  • AB1275
    12-12 01:03 PM
    I didn't read the RFE but the lawyer said they have requested for Audited Financial Statements which my company does not have.

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  • bluekayal
    08-20 05:41 PM
    I spoke to a TSC Immigration Information Officer (not customer service). he says they have about 9000 service requests they are looking at. Generally they are not supposed to give status info, but this person does. He is a people-friendly officer.


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  • raju6855
    02-02 11:04 AM
    Ok, I guess we will do that.

    Thanks much

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  • Girls Aloud. views: 1525

  • need4gc
    08-15 01:50 PM
    Congrats.Can you share who signed your packet and what time it reached NSC? I am just curious whether i will have any get the RN in next couple of days.
    It was signed by R William at 9:30 AM on 07/03/2007.


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  • Girls Aloud - Cheryl

  • sayantan76
    07-21 08:51 AM
    Normally my wife is the one who is used to post or follow up on the latest here.

    This came up a week ago. I have been working from home in a different state and we do not have any company office near my home. Nearest office location is about 3 hours. I had to move this far away due to personal reasons.

    Now after working from home for 3 years (extending EAD, H1Bs etc) Fragomen (most of you know who they are) says I cannot do work from home anymore due to this conflict with uscis. it seems USCIS doesnt recognize your home as a Govt recognized work location. Hence I cannot work from home.

    Now my manager wants me to only work from the office since folks reporting to me are also in that state. Now he is using Fragomen and HR emails as a reason for me to move back.

    Anythoughts ? I am sure you all will agree that is the law. but why all this now ? even after working for 12 years.

    One other point the fragomen lawyer said is - this is going to be the case for all thier clients.
    wow - thats a new one.......and really could argue that if a work can be done remotely - then why should the work be located in United States at all and hence - why the need for a visa? on the other hand - that would be totally counterproductive as companies would use the logic to outsource work outside the country and result in reduction in number of employees who pay US taxes.......

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  • absaarkhan
    01-10 04:28 PM
    You Can work for the same Employer On H1 even after entering US on AP.

    It is NOT clear Yet if we can file for H1 Transfer with another employer after entering US on Advance Parole.
    Please let us know if anybody has done this successfully.


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  • gc_coming
    07-18 07:04 PM
    This is what my lawyer says : "When the I-140 is already approved, there is no need to submit such letter.
    Only in the rare event that you have an interview at the time of
    adjudication of your I-485, then you must bring a recently dated letter
    stating such only for the purpose to reaffirm what they have already
    approved on the I-140. Interviews for Employment based cases are issued
    randomly. There is no reason to worry about this." Is it correct ?

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  • kutra
    01-20 10:37 AM
    My wife's co. provides health insurance for both of us. We are both on H1-B.

    If my wife quits her job, can we still be eligible for COBRA because at that point she will be doing COS to H4. If someone has any experience or knowledge about this please reply. It will help us deal things better as we are better prepared with what could be our options.

    Does COBRA depend on H1-B status? Also recently Obama administration has worked a plan where the payments on COBRA are less than the usual amounts, COBRA subsidy? Can you provide details regarding that?

    Why does she need to use COBRA? Certain life changing events such as job loss, birth, etc. allow adding or removing of dependants, or enrolling in an insurance plan outside of the enrollment period. So you should be able to join the insurance plan provided by your employer. If she's quitting her job, she should be eligible to come on to your insurance plan as a dependent. This will be a much cheaper option than using COBRA. Look into this.


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  • GCard_Dream
    09-15 01:41 PM
    You bring up a good point about the conference committee. When is the conference committee needed? Is it when bills are significantly different or even for slight differences. I thought conference is only needed if the bills are significantly different and needs to be negotiated between 2 houses. If only few provisions ( like ours) are different then can it be voted on by the house as it is without any conference and get a up or down vote? Now this all assumes that republicans are actually serious about some kind of relief to legal folks which I am seriously starting to doubt.

    if they take the bill, they might listen to us and include our provisions in this bill because our provisions are part of the CIR bill which they passed it.

    but they will make changes to 'secure act' and pass it in such a way it goes to conference committee (big chance of this going because senate wants 370 miles fence, house wants 700miles) and they wont have time for that committee now, so they will work on it next yr after elections. again after elections, it is diff game as you said. anyhow we caught in the middle of their game.

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  • GKBest
    10-24 04:45 PM
    It said in the online instructions to call them if you didn't receive the cards within 30 days.


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  • sys_manus
    01-28 09:46 AM
    I can understand the amount of anxiety and stress you must be undergoing... Especially with EB3 future in near term looking bleak. I sometimes feel its is kind of very unfair for people in EB3 boat. Try EB3 -> EB2

    As they taught in survival school.. improvise.. improvise with what ever you have. Instead of looking at VB and feeling dismayed start looking around you.. tools you have the means you have.

    When it happens it happens... do whatever you can do and leave the rest to take its course. Don't worry about things you don't have control on.

    Life goes on...

    PS: Ignore any smartA replies... they just aggravate you sense of feeling bad.

    I am an optimist. A hopeful person. I like to and want to see the positive side of things. However, the current political climate and economic state of the nation makes me skeptical.

    Much has been said and (not) done so far about immigration reform. The murphy's law half of my brain is starting to get queasy. I've been in this mess for 6 years now and dread the doomsday scenario that immigration reform doesn't go through this year. If it does not, I think we're all completely effed up for the next 3-4 years, at least until after the next elections. I hope to be wrong on this, by a long shot.

    My question to some of you is - what will you do if skilled reform doesn't happen this year?

    My career has been stagnating, rotting away almost. I've been working on a startup idea in my spare time for a while now. Of course, these sort of ventures need time and full-time effort to take-off. I have often entertained the thought of leaving my job, returning back to India, or finding some way, by hook or crook, of doing my own thing, and reviving my career. Having lived here, first as a grad student, and now as a wage slave, for the past 9 years, returning is not an easy option. If reform does not happen, I don't see anything but darkness for a pretty long time.

    What will you do?

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  • Nil
    07-21 09:50 AM
    Very Potent topic.
    During the downturn, company decided to dissolve local satellite office and have everyone in the region work from home.
    DOL audited labor application asking 'why home and work addresses are the same: is the candidate related to employer?'
    Go figure.
    Lawyer mentioned there is no provision on the labor app form to indicate 'home office'. Also, in this case, where to do the labor for - the region where the professional is living or the main office (opposite coasts in my case) is unclear.
    If the residing city is tested for labor, which is rational, how do you ensure 'the ad must be displayed at the workplace'?
    What if DOL denies application due to lack of clarity on such issues?

    IV leadership pls comment as possible.....

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  • jsb
    11-28 01:19 PM
    Fee : $305.00

    Applied on line, printed the form.

    Attached the following and sent them to USCIS
    1) 485 - copy.
    2) Old APs 2 - Copies.
    3) Cover letter explaining that I need to visit my parents as they are old.
    4) DL - Copy.
    5) Photos : 2 (write A# and name back of them) (I forgot to send the photos with the application)

    I forgot to attach the photos and got RFE, sent photos and approved yesterday. Waiting for the physical copy.

    Item (3) the cover letter, is not required, but there is no harm to include one. Besides that include photo page of your passport (to confirm you are who you say you are) help speed up the process.

    02-13 06:38 PM
    They have processing times for each service center. If your RD for the 485 is later than that that means they didn't get to look at your file yet even though your PD is current.
    Now you have to chack that date instead of the visa bulletin :)
    As others have said, Infopass might help to find out if it's with an IO or not.

    02-27 01:31 PM
    I have the exact same question for the original poster. Do you know someone or have heard from several people who were scrutinized about intent after leaving the employer upon GC approval ? I know folks who left with in few months and completed naturalization without any issues, but that's an anecdotal evidence and doesn't prove anything. Please let us know your source of information.

    You have seen applications being scrutinized for employment history at the time of naturalization?. can you please provide elaborate and provide examples?. Otherwise dont scare people unnecessarily.:mad:

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