Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • vikasw
    08-21 01:48 PM

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  • kiarash929
    10-28 12:01 PM
    I came to US last December to visit my family by a tourist visa. during the time that I was here I got a letter that showed I won DV lottery. so I hired a lawyer and he told me he will be able to apply for me from here. so he prepared our file before our visa expiration date and sent our file. but we got rejection notice and he said this is because of sending it early. he did the same 3 times but each time we got the same rejection notice. now he says that we are out of status and our case is dismissed!! As i checked USCIS office, we were not able to send it before November according to our case number. now I want to know what should I do? is it really over?
    please help me.:(:confused:

    I need an urgent reply

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  • monu19_75
    11-06 06:03 PM
    I believe you should just send the H1B approval.

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  • logiclife
    02-23 05:36 PM
    This article says that outsourcing boutsourcing does not affect the number of jobs (IT jobs) or the wages regardless of how much of work is outsourced and that the demand for IT professionals is picking up.

    Besides importing new H1s, the best way to increase the number of professionals in a pool of "Talent for hire for the highest bidder" is to free up half a million existing H1bs from their bond with current jobs by speeding up their greencard.

    And yes, about the people like What the hell are you talking about? Foriegners taking away jobs of natives???? If you cant find a job in market this good in IT/software, you should think about changing your occupation and find something else to do and stop crying "Indians and chinese are taking away our jobs waaaaaaah...waaaaaah"


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  • JunRN
    08-26 05:34 PM
    In this case, USCIS assigned a number to a previously approved case in June.

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  • Blog Feeds
    05-17 12:50 PM
    As reported in the Wall Street Journal, a surge in corporate profits is translating into increased hiring for the high tech industry and economic recovery could come faster than anticipated. Notwithstanding the job market showing some signs of life, U.S. unemployment remains at just under 10% and will likely remain high for some years to come. While employers added more than 160,000 jobs in March, the biggest monthly gain in three years, roughly one-third of the growth came from the government's hiring of 48,000 temporary workers for the 2010 Census. So what does this all mean for U.S. employers vis-a-vis...

    More... (


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  • irock
    09-29 03:30 PM
    I am July 2nd filer at NSC.
    I got my EAD approved from NSC on 25th. I see a message-- card ordered. Today there is one LUD , approval notice sent.

    Is this common

    Contributed $150 so far

    Same thing happened with my EAD. So I'm assuming this is common.

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  • nhfirefighter13
    June 1st, 2005, 07:11 PM
    Hi Tracey,

    Looks like you're off to a good start. The white flower is slightly out of focus. I'm not familiar with the Easyshare but I'm guessing you might have been inside of its minimum focal distance.

    The first baby photo also seems to be a little on the soft side but I can't tell if it's due to camera shake or just from resizing the image.

    Welcome to the site.


    Nikon D3 Official Sample Pics [Archive] - Digital Photography News, Reviews & Forum

    View Full Version : Nikon D3 Official Sample Pics


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  • kumar_herald
    04-04 05:23 PM
    I need expert advice -

    My I-140 has been approved and I-485 pending for more than 18 months. I have a valid EAD & AP. I also have a valid H1-B visa valid till 2011,
    that I am using for my current employment with my current employer

    1. If I get laid-off, how long can I stay in US without another job?
    2. I understand that in order to maintain my eligibility to "port" to a new employer / sponsor under AC21, I should have another job in same or similar occupation. Till I find another job, am I allowed to do some part-time job in different occupation?

    3. If new employer gives me the option to move permanently to its subsidiary in another country, what are the available option for me to continue with green card processing?

    4. If after going out of the country , I want to come back in future before Green card approval, what will be the available options?

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  • hmehta
    05-21 09:07 AM
    Correct me if I am wrong, but there are no ammendments which address the EB based retrogession.


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  • gccovet
    11-03 10:06 AM

    I have applied for GC in Aug '07. I recently renewed my H1-B (7th year). I noticed that there is a mistake in the A# of my Green card application (Beneficiary #) on the H1-B approval notice.

    Has any one else had this happen? Does any one know what can be done regarding this?

    Thanks for your help

    you will have to get it corrected, ask you lawyer to file the correction form ( i don't remember the form# top of my head).

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  • mrajatish
    11-07 10:55 AM
    Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1630
    Host Access Code: 502270*
    Participant Access Code: 502270#


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  • sunny1000
    12-20 06:33 PM
    I have a work related travel (2 days max) coming up in January. Do I need a canadian visa. I am on AP and my US visa on my passport has expired. My H1 is valid till 2009 (not stamped on the passport).
    My question is Do I need a canadian visa? Let me know if anyone had a similar experience.


    If you are from a country who is not exempt from a canadian visa (especially for work), you should definitely get one. your AP does not entitle to enter any other country other than the U.S.

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  • Macaca
    06-05 07:40 PM
    Discontent Over Iraq Increasing, Poll Finds ( Americans Also Unhappy With Congress, By Dan Balz and Jon Cohen (, Washington Post Staff Writers, Tuesday, June 5, 2007

    Growing frustration with the performance of the Democratic Congress, combined with widespread public pessimism over President Bush's temporary troop buildup in Iraq, has left satisfaction with the overall direction of the country at its lowest point in more than a decade, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

    Almost six in 10 Americans said they do not think the additional troops sent to Iraq since the beginning of the year will help restore civil order there, and 53 percent -- a new high in Post-ABC News polls -- said they do not believe that the war has contributed to the long-term security of the United States.

    Disapproval of Bush's performance in office remains high, but the poll highlighted growing disapproval of the new Democratic majority in Congress. Just 39 percent said they approve of the job Congress is doing, down from 44 percent in April, when the new Congress was about 100 days into its term. More significant, approval of congressional Democrats dropped 10 percentage points over that same period, from 54 percent to 44 percent.

    Much of that drop was fueled by lower approval ratings of the Democrats in Congress among strong opponents of the war, independents and liberal Democrats. While independents were evenly split on the Democrats in Congress in April (49 percent approved, 48 percent disapproved), now 37 percent said they approved and 54 percent disapproved. Among liberal Democrats, approval of congressional Democrats dropped 18 points.

    Bush's overall job-approval rating stands at 35 percent, unchanged from April.

    Many Democratic activists have complained that the 2006 midterm election results represented a call for a course change in Iraq and that so far the Democratic-controlled Congress has failed to deliver.

    Deep public skepticism about Iraq, concerns about the Democrats and Bush, and near-record-high gasoline prices appear to have combined to sour the overall mood in the country. In the new poll, 73 percent of Americans said the country is pretty seriously on the wrong track, while 25 percent said things are going in the right direction.

    That gap is marginally wider than it was at the beginning of the year and represents the most gloomy expression of public sentiment since January 1996, when a face-off between President Bill Clinton and a Republican-controlled Congress over the budget led to an extended shutdown of the federal government.

    Among the nearly three-quarters of Americans expressing a pessimistic viewpoint, about one in five blamed the war for their negative outlook, and about the same ratio mentioned the economy, gas prices, jobs or debt as the main reason for their dissatisfaction with the country's direction. Eleven percent cited "problems with Bush," and another 11 percent said "everything" led them to their negative opinion.

    The new poll showed that Americans have recalibrated their view of who is taking the lead in Washington. Earlier this year, majorities of Americans said they believed that the Democrats were taking the initiative in the capital, but now there is an even split, with 43 percent saying Bush is taking the stronger leadership role and 45 percent saying the Democrats are.

    That shift occurred across the political spectrum. In April, 59 percent of independents said Democrats were taking a stronger role, but that figure has dropped 15 points, to 44 percent.

    The political machinations over the Iraq war funding bill have been the dominant news event in Congress for much of the spring, and the Democrats' removal of the provision linking funding to a withdrawal deadline came shortly before the poll was taken.

    In April, the public, by a 25-point margin, trusted the Democrats over Bush to handle the situation in Iraq. In this poll, Democrats maintained an advantage, but by 16 points. There has been an erosion of support for Democrats on this issue, but not a corresponding movement to Bush. Among independents, trust for the Democrats is down eight points, mostly because of a six-point bump in the percentage who said they trust "neither."

    Congressional Democrats also are preferred over Bush -- whose own approval ratings remain near career lows -- on immigration (by 17 percentage points), the economy (by 18 points) and even, albeit narrowly, on handling the U.S. campaign against terrorism (by six points).

    But it is the war in Iraq -- the most important issue in the 2006 campaign -- that has the most potential to reshape the political landscape.

    Overall, 61 percent in this poll said the war was not worth fighting, and nearly two-thirds said the United States is not making significant progress restoring civil order in Iraq. However, there is no such general agreement about what to do.

    In this poll, 55 percent -- a new high -- said the number of U.S. military forces in Iraq should be decreased, but only 15 percent advocated an immediate withdrawal of American troops. An additional 12 percent said U.S. forces should be out of Iraq sometime this year.

    Since the Iraqi parliamentary elections in November 2005, consistent majorities of Americans have said U.S. troops should be drawn down; support for an immediate, complete withdrawal has also remained relatively stable, never exceeding two in 10. And there similarly has been little change across party lines: 25 percent of the Democrats surveyed wanted all American military forces out of Iraq now, compared with 13 percent of independents and 6 percent of Republicans, with all percentages about the same as in late 2005. Support for the immediate removal of U.S. forces peaked at 32 percent among African Americans.

    Public attitudes about the size of U.S. military forces in Iraq and about the war more generally are closely related to views about the centrality of the situation in Iraq to the broader battle against terrorism, another flashpoint between Bush and congressional Democrats. (In this poll, nearly six in 10 agreed with the Democratic position that the two are separate issues.) Overall, more than seven in 10 of those who said Iraq is an essential component of the terrorism fight wanted U.S. troop levels in Iraq to be increased or kept the same, while more than seven in 10 of those seeing the issues as separate thought that some or all troops should be withdrawn. Among independents who said the United States can succeed against terrorism without winning in Iraq, 70 percent supported decreasing troop levels, compared with 23 percent of those who saw victory in Iraq as pivotal.

    This Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone May 29 to June 1 among a random sample of 1,205 adults. Results from the full poll have a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. Sampling error margins are higher for subgroups.

    Washington Post-ABC News Poll (
    The Washington Post - ABC News Poll: Iraq War Apprehension (


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  • cfa
    05-16 08:42 PM
    Any cfas here?. I am looking for some advice on the sponsorship. Please post if you are knowledgeable about cfa program. thanks

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  • gc_on_demand
    06-06 02:37 PM
    I just got H1B. My wife is currently on her F-1/OPT. Can anyone guide me where I can find required documents to apply for H4 for my wife? Do you think I can do it myself or it needs a lawyer?
    Thank you,


    Didn't create same thread. Please check that one. Please call members of lawmakers. Admin please close this thread.


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  • raviram1980
    03-12 08:43 PM
    Hi All,

    I went for visa interview in December, but my case was stuck because of administrative processing. I came back on Advance parole. I have the following questions.

    1. Can I sponsor my parents visitor visa without any issue? Will the consulate quiz them/stop them because of my H-1 admin processing

    2. Also is my admin processing still going on? and can I stamp my H-1 visa in the future after my case is cleared from admin processing.

    Thanks in advance

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  • roseball
    11-13 11:57 AM
    What are the options when labor is being audited?

    - Know the reason for audit
    - Start a new process and make sure all the reasons from audit are covered under the new process
    - When ready to file PERM, withdraw the old application and file a new PERM case

    If you are not audited again, you will get the approval in less than 2 months.

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  • saimrathi
    07-03 10:10 AM
    Now that USCIS has dropped bomb by announcing the revised bulletin, do you think now they will be able to bring back the premium processing for I-140? or still they dont have time to "ensure" processing in 15 days.
    Guys, what is your take on this.

    I agree. They should bring back PP on I-140.

    05-13 12:25 AM
    I was in H1B visa(expires on Feb 2011). I got laid off from Employer_A from March 2009 and I transfered my I-797 to Employer_B in march 2009 itself through premium processing. It got approved and I have original approval notice also which expires on March 2012.

    Now Employer_A likes to re-hire me back. I am also interested to go back. Do I need to transfer again from Employer_B to Employer_A?

    Can I work for Employer_A with old I-797(expires on Feb 2011) ? I don't think Employer_A canceled or revoked my I-797 after they laid off.

    10-10 07:18 PM

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