Tuesday, May 31, 2011

lobes of lungs

lobes of lungs. The lungs, anterior aspects
  • The lungs, anterior aspects

  • Eduardo1971
    Nov 24, 01:30 PM
    Oddly enough, from the education store, you can't get the extra discounts. Well at least not on the ipod...but on the government store ... YOU CAN!
    I would have save an extra $30 if I went through the gvt store. OOOPS! Hopefully someone else benefits from this post and doesnt make the same mistake! I will probably call apple in the morning and see if I can get the extra savings ... but just a heads up if you are a gvt employee!

    Yeah, I tried to see any discounts one their education portal. No discounts.

    May you provide the link to Apple's Federal employee portal?

    lobes of lungs. Carcinoma of the lung.
  • Carcinoma of the lung.

  • TheMonarch
    Sep 7, 10:20 PM
    if the price is right he'll care about anything

    Bling bling? ;)

    lobes of lungs. or lobe, of the lung.
  • or lobe, of the lung.

  • RaMaz09
    Mar 24, 02:19 PM
    Its Funny. But Sad At The Same Time......

    lobes of lungs. INTRODUCTiON TO LUNG ANATOMY

  • D1G1T4L
    Mar 17, 05:14 PM
    You mean like posting just to say "I'm laughing at you all?" Welcome to the "holier than thou club, buddy.

    Please read my post again. Never did I say I was laughing at "you all" but rather the post "buddy". Hope I didn't touch a nerve.

    Also who are you quoting?


    lobes of lungs. lobes of lungs. To discover lung anatomy we
  • lobes of lungs. To discover lung anatomy we

  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 21, 02:40 PM
    The voting on the front page has nothing to do with what's good for Apple. Sorry you've been deceived into thinking as much for so long, though.

    oh so Apple being sued isn't bad for Apple? and Apple sueing somebody isn't good for Apple because they are defending their patents? :rolleyes:

    lobes of lungs. shows lobes of both lungs,
  • shows lobes of both lungs,

  • VictoriaStudent
    Mar 17, 02:32 AM
    :rolleyes: Good luck getting anywhere with that.

    not trying to go anywhere with it. I don't particularly care what happens to our "friend." I just find his arrogance horrendous.


    lobes of lungs. lobe of the left lung,
  • lobe of the left lung,

  • JackSYi
    Oct 4, 02:14 PM
    Thank god. My first MWSF (been saving up for it), with the primary reason being: Steve Jobs.

    lobes of lungs. lobes of lungs. between lungs and gonads; between lungs and gonads. NathanMuir. Mar 25, 06:08 PM. I#39;m far from the first or only person who has deviated
  • lobes of lungs. between lungs and gonads; between lungs and gonads. NathanMuir. Mar 25, 06:08 PM. I#39;m far from the first or only person who has deviated

  • macfan881
    Oct 6, 01:38 PM
    Verizon Still SUCKS over ATT though mainly for two reasons A. They Cripple the phones beyond belife and 2 there lovely UI is disgusting


    lobes of lungs. In
  • In

  • twoodcc
    Apr 1, 10:53 PM
    Thanks. I should be there tomorrow night. Looking forward to it!

    lobes of lungs. lobes into smaller and
  • lobes into smaller and

  • bjdku
    Oct 3, 03:45 PM
    iPhone will come out before X'mas.

    I agree. Seems like it is all set. The iPhone will be the Christmas frenzy hopeful from Apple (and Cingular hahahahahahahahaha!!!)


    lobes of lungs. breath is largely
  • breath is largely

  • twoodcc
    Apr 27, 09:22 PM

    Cool, glad you had them.

    I know what you mean about OC'ing waiting to see if it will stay up or crash each time you change something. I was looking at CPUZ on my i7 and I guess I did get it to stay at 3.2Ghz but with 3 gpu's on it I'm not going to try bigadv on it.

    I still have 4 boards not in cases - in the basement - getin' kind of dusty too :D but they were cheap and don't need any special cooling, they do fine like that. However I may retire them before too long as I decided to go ahead and get an i7 980x to do some bigadv units on. :rolleyes: I think it should do better than my Mac Pro. I hope. The board has 2 x16 slots for gpu's - when I can afford a pair of GTX 480's :p

    thanks. so i have a total of 9 GPUs, and i've got 7 of them running now. maybe one day i'll have them all up and running

    well, once you get the OC setting right, then you don't really have to worry about it. like the 2 i7s that i have running now, are both OCed. (3.5 and 3.7)

    now i thought about getting an i7 980x, but wasn't ready to spend that kind of money. i think i might just buy a pre-made system if i ever get one (feel more comfortable that way). but that would be sweet if you got one. heck, you know there's a motherboard out there that can hold 2 x i7 980x for $600 i think. now that would be awesome - but just 2 processors and motherboard would cost over $2600

    lobes of lungs. The left lung has 2 lobes.
  • The left lung has 2 lobes.

  • err404
    May 2, 02:17 PM
    The kill switch was defective. The new update fixes that so that it works as per the EULA and as per advertised (and common sense).
    Common sense to a programmer is not all ways the same same a common sense to a user. :confused:
    The code is working as intented, but the design is flawed. A switch that prevents applications from calling a service is functionally the same as disabling the service; except in this case. In this case they intentional left the service running, without considering the consequences of the cache continuing to update.


    lobes of lungs. throughout all lung lobes.
  • throughout all lung lobes.

  • twoodcc
    May 16, 06:51 PM
    Excellent, how do I get a3 units?

    I need the window close because my partner does not like the window open when she uses the computer cause she always has a lot of windows open (XP not 7). So at the moment I have a system tray ustilising one core. Its a dual core.

    Thanks for the replies.

    you have to run the smp2 client to get a3 units. and you have to have a passkey and 10 completed units with the passkey to get a bonus (and you have to complete 80% of your units also i think)

    lobes of lungs. lobe of the same lung,
  • lobe of the same lung,

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 04:00 PM
    Thanks for your advice dejo, but I'm not stepping away because of lack of fundamentals. Interaction with other developers is an additional learning source (the main is all kind of documentation), of course I need to learn more about fundamentals of objective C just like you did when you had 3 months programming, but that ain't stopping me from asking help in forums. Some people help you, some don't, you just have to deal with that.

    btw, thanks for pointing my error, your right.. those are declaration for cancelTime: and cancelIt: , I got confuse with the parameter :D


    lobes of lungs. treat lung lobe torsion.
  • treat lung lobe torsion.

  • Soschil
    Jan 16, 05:29 AM
    Everyone is harping on the MacBook Air because of it's lack of ports or an optical drive, but at the end of the day people are still going to want to buy it. It's a nice product.

    I think its very reasonably priced by the way - compare that to other machines in the class.

    Well put. I for one want one in a bad way.

    Since watching the keynote yesterday I've been mulling over how I use my iBook, and I don't really need more than a single USB and occasionally the DVI.

    It's time for me to get a new laptop, and portability is a primary concern to me along with battery life. However I want a screen that's at least 13". I could carry around an extra lbs or 2, but I prefer not to. The MBA CPU is plenty fast for me and the HDD is big enough. I'll probably get the external superdrive too.
    Yes, it is a bit pricey but I'm willing to pay. It'll have to wait though - I spent a ton of money traveling last year, so it'll be a while before I have the cash together. Just as well as I'd prefer to get a Rev B. :D

    lobes of lungs. into lobes. The left lung
  • into lobes. The left lung

  • Chundles
    Oct 11, 09:50 AM
    Actually the chinese sites are direct sources. These are trade newspapers reporting the contracts the local factories have received. As such they are accurate and timely for forthcoming products.

    Of course it does not addrerss specific features of the device, but if 20 truckloads of iPods leave the factory we KNOW about it, then Steve announces them 2 weeks later, when the boat arrives.

    The Foxconn announcement on MacBooks indicates Apple is trying to meet demand by adding another factory for a particularly popular item. Switchers join us!


    Except Digitimes - those guys are terrible. My G5 iBook is now over a year overdue.


    lobes of lungs. lung has two lobes and the
  • lung has two lobes and the

  • villanova329
    Nov 16, 12:46 PM
    Do they have to remake a new "Universal Binary?" Because aren't the current UB's for Intel and PPC? Please tell me they wont. I don't wnat to have to wait again for new UB's

    lobes of lungs. into lobes; the right lung
  • into lobes; the right lung

  • Rogzilla
    Jan 10, 06:27 PM
    One more thing...
    iTablet. Kicks Wacom Cintique out of the game. Supports stylus and finger gestures. Pressure sensitive. 8-12" in size. Runs iWork and Adobe Creative Suite support coming soon. Thinest Mac ever. No optical drive, but not sure about a hard drive.

    Dude...I think I have have just soiled myself. That is exactly what I want! *whines* JOOOOOOBS! I WANT IT!

    lobes of lungs. x ray of lungs and thorax with
  • x ray of lungs and thorax with

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 3, 02:26 PM
    lets hope for a great keynote:

    1- new Mac without display, performance would be better than imac, and not as much $$ as mac pro. basically a mid sized tower good enough for mid level use on graphics, games and much more. something upgradable by the end user.
    2- media center to complement the Itv
    3- new OS X 10.5 (this is a big deal)
    4- adobe news of release
    5- new HDTV initiative macs with Blu-Ray available as option. to work with current HD video editing software.

    Would like before then:
    1- would love a new Macbook Pro. with blu-ray drive, better hard drive( upto 160 gb or maybe 200 gb by then) with core 2 duo.

    2- also, love by then the new quad CPU mac pro. maybe only on highest end model.

    3- apple to have discovered a way for less expensive ram to be used in the Mac Pro. it's DAMN expensive compared to the rest of whats out there

    Ping Guo
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    If that is a guy holding that phone he needs to cut those nails...Damn hippy!

    Ah but that's the old Chinese snot-digging nail.

    Apr 11, 01:26 AM
    yeah i know! i don't know what's going on these days. apple is only concerned with iphone and ipad, but developers gotta have systems to build the apps with!

    and not just that, apple has a market for mac pros. but it will only continue to get smaller if they ignore it

    Mate if you think thats bad, I'n holding out for a Mac mini and there has been no rumors for it! Would love to see a intel i5 :D

    Mar 10, 12:21 AM
    No the world is not run by Apple; and despite some folks claims Apple I don't think wants to be the next Microsoft either.... it does want to own a comfortable niche however...

    Niche? Really? So all the iPhones and iPads sold around the world and they're still niche? What's that niche called? the whole market?!

    Mar 17, 06:00 PM
    it's a shame the whole "antennagate" fiasco gave the iPhone 4 such a bad rep. I've had mine since launch, and I have had roughly 5 dropped calls. 3 of which happened while I was in a moving vehicle. So it could just as easily be blamed on the network or the place I was driving through at the time.

    It seems like whenever someone wants to knock the iPhone they go straight for the antenna non-issue.

    Al Coholic
    Mar 28, 02:46 PM
    The people have already voted...

    It's called the "Top Grossing" category.

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  • Drag'nGT
    Oct 6, 12:08 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    Verizon bought many different CDMA companies that didn't take off during the early years of cell phones. Because of that, they have infrastructure that can be upgraded. In other words, they have towers in those areas that shaded red. CDMA or GSM doesn't matter so much as having a tower in the area to put equipment on. So no, the upgrade to 4G will not cause spotty coverage.

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  • micahR
    Nov 8, 02:28 PM
    No need to worry. If you have a retail copy of the game you can play before the official release date without any issues.


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  • Lacero
    Sep 8, 08:22 AM
    It was funny to see Kanye dropping F-bombs and seeing self-righteous journalists and media types sitting there soaking it up. Hilarious. I don't think Kanye gave a f#@$.

    funny wallpaper. wallpaper funny.
  • wallpaper funny.

  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 09:44 AM
    To me, it would be good news that Apple supports both HD-DVD and BD.

    well no, i think that's a bad idea. software has to be pressed on both formats - expensive - prices will increase (not only in the software branch - two holy expensive drives in one mac?)
    we need one standard. every format needs a standard.


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  • funny wallpaper pics. funny

  • leekohler
    May 5, 05:49 PM
    I guess it's a good thing that I've given up hope that America will give up it's gun obsession.

    Since as you say, there are no possible solutions. :rolleyes:

    Look at the "drug war". Do you really want a "gun war"? Really?

    The answer with things like this, as always, lies in regulation and education- not bans. We can minimize the problem, but it will never go away.

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  • Luis
    Jan 11, 10:17 PM
    I still like Engadget better. And after this, It'll probably be only Engadget that I continue to read.


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  • Egg Funny Wallpaper

  • Reventon
    Apr 10, 09:15 PM
    Pre-ordered the Duke Nukem Collector's Edition for PS3.


    Always bet on the Duke! :cool:

    funny wallpaper. funny wallpaper,
  • funny wallpaper,

  • pmhacker
    Apr 29, 09:47 PM
    I hate the changes. I actually liked the slider. Graphically it was much nicer and obviously would work better with a future touch screen.

    I wish they would have gotten rid of that horrible faux leather top on ical.


    funny wallpaper. Name: Funny-Wallpaper 2.jpg
  • Name: Funny-Wallpaper 2.jpg

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 21, 12:16 PM
    Very inexactly. The system is borked.
    Before you assume that, try xUKHCx's suggestion. In testing on dormant threads, where others aren't voting constantly, it works accurately every time. This thread has 67 posts but 341 views... you don't know how many of those viewing are clicking to vote on various posts.

    I do agree that you should be able to remove your vote, rendering a net change of zero, but otherwise, it appears to be accurate.
    The Arabs invented 0 some time ago.

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  • Funny Games Wallpaper

  • swarmster
    Jan 9, 05:33 PM
    Everyone please be careful opening Quicktime (to do an "open url..." as MacRumors recommends)! If you have it set to load the 'content guide' on startup, there's a spoiler image waiting for you.

    (Yeah, I know, I should have disabled it a long time ago.)


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  • 2009 Funny People wallpaper

  • mikelegacy
    Dec 13, 12:25 PM
    Haha, nope.

    This is the company that released an EDGE phone as it's first model. No way they're jumping to LTE this early in the game.
    Okay? But what 3G competition was out there at the time? There was no Android at that time. The iPhone was competing with Blackberry, and it was a MAJORLY different device. Now they HAVE to compete, so they HAVE to advance. Look for LTE in the next iPhone.

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  • Sheep funny wallpapers

  • twoodcc
    Apr 20, 11:08 AM
    Sounds like me sometimes with things not working and spending way more time than on it than I thought, hopefully you can get everything working, I think you are better at it than I am.

    thanks. things aren't quite working out right at the moment. i think i might have messed up the motherboard somehow. my homebuilt i7 just isn't working right. i'm away for work during the week, but i think this coming weekend will spent on this computer again. i might have to buy another motherboard i'm thinking though


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  • Funny Wallpaper/64×

  • roadbloc
    Mar 16, 04:16 AM
    The entire industry is one big Apple "fanboi", bud. What Apple does, everyone else moves to copy or get it on. My "bubble" is the entire tech industry where it concerns the average user.

    What's "silly" is the Apple fansite bubble. Apple fansites on the ass-end of the net with their loveable little geek contingent perpetually out of touch with the actual market.

    Step into 2011. It's all about Apple and where they're taking the industry.

    This is nonsence. If the average user was interested in just Apple, then why are Apple on a lesser market share for pretty much... everything but MP3 players? How come Android is proving more popular?

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again. THIS IS NOT AN APPLE FANSITE! Please go elsewhere if you wish to praise the mighty Apple endlessly. This site is for news and discussion based around Apple products. Not for fans to blow their load.

    I'm in 2011. And I'm seeing Android beat iOS in the mobile world, and slowly creeping up in the tablet world. I'm seeing OS X being turned from a pretty advanced OS to an App riddled toy. I'm seeing Apple discontinue server services. I'm seeing Apple making silly mistakes such as clock bugs and adding social networks to media players. I'm seeing Apple still not improve MobileMe.

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  • Funny wallpapers

  • Amazing Iceman
    May 4, 08:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I've no real need for an iPad and as such, no need for a tablet. But having had a go with the 'competitor's' including the so called iPad killer, Xoom, I think Apple have already won. These iPad ads are just confirming that to the public.

    That's exactly what I thought when the iPad1 came out. I got one last July, under the condition of returning it if I did't like it. After 10 days of using it, I decided to keep it. Now it's my main work tool when I'm on the road, and at home I use it more than my MacBook Pro.

    Maybe you should give it a try too. You may discover what you have been missing all these months...


    funny wallpaper. Funny wallpaper for your
  • Funny wallpaper for your

  • iCeltic
    Apr 16, 04:41 AM
    I bet Google try to sell to the label the idea of free advertisement supported music, and Google get to keep 70% of the revenue.:eek:

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  • funny wallpaper desktop. funny

  • alfmil
    Apr 14, 05:56 PM
    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    Homer Simpson: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

    Lisa Simpson: That�s specious reasoning, Dad.

    Homer: Thank you, dear.

    Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

    Homer: Oh, how does it work?

    Lisa: It doesn�t work.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: It�s just a stupid rock.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: But I don�t see any tigers around, do you?

    Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.


    funny wallpaper. Funny Wallpapers
  • Funny Wallpapers

  • SilentPanda
    Apr 21, 11:50 AM
    If I want to revert to apathy from a previously engaged stance, I can't. I have to actively disapprove or actively approve.

    That is true. Just make sure you never want to revert to apathy and you'll be fine.

    It's also a system that currently serve no purpose whatsoever on these forums. People are worrying about it way too much.

    funny wallpaper. Wallpaper: How
  • Wallpaper: How

  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 12:05 PM
    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    funny wallpaper. funny wallpapers, funny
  • funny wallpapers, funny

  • Bonte
    Jan 5, 04:50 PM
    Thanks for the service MR! :)
    This time i really want to watch the keynote unspoiled, its going to be hard to resist all the Mac sites but this time i'm going for it.

    Oct 13, 04:12 PM
    Wonder if he'll let me crash on his sofa!

    his sofa will probably crash on it's own.

    Apr 26, 06:45 PM
    Anyone notice how much us nerds flame companies for the slightest of changes? It's kinda f'd up. :rolleyes:

    Apr 12, 07:46 AM
    Also Aero Peek,
    control-tab and windows (command key?)-tab offer some cool ways to swap around active applications.

    Aero Peek is definitely one of my favorite features in W7. However I still find Expos�/Spaces to suit my workflow better. I think Aero Snap though, is only a feature because of many apps and users desire to run full screen all the time.

    The price of office is built into the price of the computer, just as the price of iLife is built into the price of a mac - standard accounting practice. You're really not getting iLife for free just like you're not getting office for free.

    Picking a random PC from Best Buy (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Lenovo+-+Laptop+/+Intel%26%23174%3B+Pentium%26%23174%3B+Processor+/+15.6%22+Display+/+2GB+Memory+/+320GB+Hard+Drive+-+Black/1954496.p?id=1218303031767&skuId=1954496). I see:

    Software package included
    With Microsoft Office Starter 2010 (product key card required for activation; sold separately).

    I think it's hard to compare that to iLife. (I realize Office Starter 2010 can do some limited stuff, but it's designed to upsell you on one of the other packages.)


    Apr 9, 08:40 PM
    All the best Rumors have some humor and nonsense!

    This is a RUMOR forum after all. What good is a dry, factual press-release thread in a RUMOR Forum? :p

    But now that the theory of Apple copying Microsoft has been raised (Haha, a fine jest :D) let's see what they might be interested in copying from MS.

    They could copy the Registry! :eek:

    Or maybe Apple could adopt the concept of letting anyone at all, even trained chimpanzees in Zimbabwe toying with an EDGE cellphone, have complete access to all system functions and security features.... MS has had a monopoly on this for far too long.

    Or how about Applications that are expected to embed themselves into the OS?

    If these MS features don't abuse customers enough, perhaps Apple could adopt a paranoid and excessively complicated "Activation" scheme.

    Maybe hire some top MS executives? Preferably an out of shape, middle-aged one that tries to dance and screams a lot. :p

    Have a strange, voodoo-like gathering to proclaim the death of their competitors product like MS did when the Zune was announced?:eek:

    But that's just a very silly alternate universe.

    Win8 is going to have exclusive rights to all of these features and more for the foreseeable future.

    Have Fun,

    PS... Still got the silly giggles from thinking about the upcoming MS App store. :D:p:eek::p

    Apr 22, 03:15 PM
    Yeah, we can tell.It's nice to be understood so well. I have given you a +1.